Auxiliary & Volunteers
Since 1958, the St. Francis Auxiliary has relied on the generosity of volunteers to provide compassionate support and valuable services to patients, families, and visitors.
Over the years they have contributed more than 1 million hours serving patients, staff, and the community. Their service touches virtually every corner of the hospital, from the front desk to the Junior Volunteer program, from greeting visitors in the ICU Waiting Room to pushing the Cheer Cart.
The main thing this diverse and special group of individuals has in common is that they all enjoy the gift of giving to make life better for others.
Besides the hours our volunteers put in, the Auxiliary raises money to help make our community better, focusing on health. Special Auxiliary events and our two Gift Shops fund several projects each year, including scholarships for students interested in health care as a profession.
If you are interested in learning more about the St. Francis Auxiliary or in volunteering, contact Volunteer Services at (706) 580-5494.